Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hands, Hands and more Hands! Exploring idea development with Richard Serra

The Three dimensional design course spent several classes learning about the work and approach of sculptor Richard Serra.  More specifically students reflected on his verb list compilation created in the late 1960s for inspiration or purpose.  Students chose an action from his list to illustrate in their sculptures.  The focus in production for this unit was on mold making and casting.  The students planned out hand gestures to incorporate in their sculptures and created molds by dipping their hands wax.  The molds were thin filled with plaster of paris. Once they were dried the class began working on composing and installing their sculptures.  Their final structures were to incorporate an additional medium, besides the hands, and also to include text in someway.  The students really enjoyed the process and ended up with some outstanding work!

Harrison Clark, 11th grade

John Seif, 11th grade

Jessica Walker, 12th grade

Marte Balke, 11th grade

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Picasso!! 4th & 5th Graders learn about the many styles of Picasso and create their own Picasso style ceramic portraits.

In February, the fourth and fifth grade classes spent a week learning about the diverse styles of Pablo Picasso's work.  Students then specifically focused on his abstract portraiture work.  The class responded to this style with a clay sculpture project mimicking Picasso's profile approach to portraiture.  The class made sketches before beginning their clay works. Student's started with a large rectangular slab of clay and cut out a profile of a face.  Students worked with the scrap clay adding facial features using a slip and score technique.  After an overnight fireing of their project they were then able to glaze their work.  Each student's final project was extremely unique!